Monday, April 13, 2009

Music Monday

i don't usually listen to music like this, but i can't stop listening to this song. i'm surprised Franzl didn't set his lederhosen on fire with his hotness. Not kidding yall!


tut-tut said...

OMG!!! I almost had to reach for a Depends I was laughing so much. Loved that little gyration, too.

KWC, you are out of control with this entry!!

What are those phallic hay things in the background?!

Willkommen, VW!

DineometerDeb said...

Wilkommen VW, nice touch Tutttut. It's making sense now. KWC is just trying to get into the VW spirit. ; )

Now onto the bigger question: Why does tuttut have Depends at arms reach?

tut-tut said...

That was poetic reach, Dine. Love the search tags too. Why is KWC so silent? Is she still . . . asleeep??

Katja said...

I barely could watch it to the half. That's gross. BTW these are not typical germans. How do you call it when you be embarrassed about other people? :D